All plants
Healthy, plant-based eating made easy with chef-prepared dishes.
Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability.
Jamstack websites are built to be fast – this is important because, with shorter attention spans than ever, your users expect your website to be quick.
A slow website leads to a less engaged audience. So it doesn’t matter how great your offering is if your audience doesn’t get around to seeing it!
You’re also not limited by what the combined front-end and back-end technology allows you to do.
With the Jamstack your front-end and back-end code is totally separate meaning you can pick and choose the right combination of technologies for your business – which can lead to a more engaging experience.
Worried about using something different? Don’t worry there are plenty of climate-conscious companies already using the Jamstack.
Healthy, plant-based eating made easy with chef-prepared dishes.
Direct air capture captures carbon dioxide directly from the air and stores it underground.
Britain’s greenest energy company – helping people replace fossil fuels with green energy.
Learn the impact of your investments and discover opportunities matching your impact goals.
Combining the most effective actions an individual can take to fight climate change today.
World-class climate program that delivers real-world results. Measure, report, and reduce your emissions in weeks.
The site has been given a pretty thorough going over by the editorial team who love the site and have really enjoyed working with Dato CMS (they’re used to WordPress).
Sometimes you need a simple website to advertise your product whilst other times you need a larger more complex website – whichever it is, I can help.
Think key pages like home, about and contact or a landing page to promote your product or service.
Think of a website with more engaging components to choose from, complex filtering for an image gallery, or bespoke solutions for your problem like cooking mode on recipes.