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N&O hired me to build their website. Where I implemented super-eco mode to help educate their audience on the importance of web sustainability.

With a lack of internal resources, N&O reached out to me to help bring their new website to life – after all, there is only so long you can live with a holding page before it begins to impact your business.

With their focus on helping planet-friendly Shopify stores it was essential that their website reflected those values – meaning a low-carbon footprint was key.

Right from the start, I approached the development with the goal of using as many HTML or CSS solutions as possible, instead of reaching for JavaScript.

For example, carousels on the site, make use of CSS scroll snap and the accordions in the footer on mobile use the HTML details element – negating the need for JavaScript plugins.

Basically anywhere I could avoid adding weight to the page I took it.

By default, I tried to build the website to be as lightweight as I could, so when it came to implementing the “super-eco” mode feature it was more of a way to help educate users about web sustainability.

After the initial launch in 2021, N&O wanted to roll out some additional features in 2022 – most notable being their multi-step contact form.

  • Emoji green tick
    95% eco score
  • Emoji green tick
    ~0.3g - 0.4g CO2e per view
  • Emoji green tick
    Green hosting
  • Gatsby
  • Prismic
  • Netlify
  • Storybook
  • Emoji technologist
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Working with Rob over the last year has been brilliant, he has a great eye for detail and just “gets it” when we give him limited direction - something that’s really hard to come by! We know that anything we ask Rob to support us with will be completed to the highest standard, on time and on budget. Highly recommended!

Tom Locke Creative Director at Noughts & Ones
Having built the website to have a low-carbon footprint by default, super-eco mode presented an opportunity to help educate others on how they can reduce the environmental impact of their own website – by replacing images with eco-tip cards as you navigate through the site.
With an emphasis on people and the planet, it only makes sense to introduce the team you’d be working with!
N&O wanted a way to segment the leads coming in and allow those enquiring about a project to offer more information. This meant adding a generic contact form for partnerships and introductory requests and then a multi-step project form which captures more details about a project.
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