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Issue #21

January thoughts

At the end of 2024, I wrote a blog on null how I’m going to achieve my goals in 2025.

Part of which meant scheduling my week.

Every Sunday I sat down to review the week just past:

  • Highlighting what went well
  • And things that didn’t

So I could figure out where I could improve the following week to achieve my goals.

A couple of things I made sure not to do:

  • Not completely overhauling my day-to-day
  • Not try and form too many new habits

I also made sure not to worry about following my schedule down to a T, e.g. walking later than I planned was fine as long as I got my walk in.

With that here are the key areas I wanted to improve on:

  • Work on side projects daily
  • Eat healthy food the majority of the time
  • 7k steps/day or 49k steps per week
  • Weight training 3x week

So how did these go?

Side projects: I scheduled an hour each morning to work on side projects. But I struggled getting out of bed when it was dark and cold – combined with the fact I didn’t always have a plan of what to work on.

Eating healthily: I struggled most with snacking, so I prepared healthier options – like these protein bars .

Walking daily: some days I didn’t reach the 7k step goal, so I relaxed it to 49k steps a week, it just meant I wouldn’t fail the entire week on Monday if I only managed 6.5k steps

Weight training: this was the hardest having moved all my gym equipment out of my garage in preparation to move house.

All in all, it was a great experiment.

I got knocked off at the end month because my whole family came down with an illness.

But I’ll be trying this experiment again in February and see how it goes.

Emoji gem

Obsess over quality

This month I’ve been listening to null Slow Productivity by Cal Newport.

In it, he puts forward some core principles – one being obsess over quality.

Which I kind of love – I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the past few weeks.

So much so that I posted something on null LinkedIn about this stating when I think of quality I think of Mathew Encina.

Who goes months between releasing YouTube videos.

But when he does it’s totally worth it.

Mathew commented back which feels like it could’ve come straight out of Cal’s book he said:

“Obsess, cause most people don’t”

And honestly, this feels like something I should get stuck up on my wall and look at daily.

Dato partner

I decided to take a risk this month (not really a risk because I had nothing to lose).

However, I applied to the null DatoCMS partner programme – the first headless CMS I used way back in 2017.

I held off because it said it’s for agencies and thought well that’s not me.

But I had a chat with them and got approved – which comes with some nice benefits meaning I can get my clients a discount on their plans and a totally new plan that’s only available for partners.

I still need to finish off my profile – but I do really like Dato as a product and the vibe the team gives off is the kind of thing I want to be associated with.

So the takeaway here – take a shot at that thing.

January goals

  • Lose 2lbs
  • Connect with 10x new people
  • Write 1 blog post and 1 newsletter
Emoji money with wings

Projected income

  • £6,925 Month
  • £20,175 Quarter
  • £33,850 Year
  1. £0
  2. £1k
  3. £2k
  4. £3k
  5. £4k
  6. £5k
  7. £6k
  8. £7k
  9. £8k
  10. £9k
  11. £10k
  12. £11k
  13. £12k
  1. Jan
  2. Feb
  3. Mar
  4. Apr
  5. May
  6. Jun
  7. Jul
  8. Aug
  9. Sep
  10. Oct
  11. Nov
  12. Dec

Product of the month



On the topic of obsessing over quality – that’s exactly what Heights do. When it comes down to it, your health is the most important thing which is why I’ve been taking heights for over a year.

Get 15% off Heights

Book of the month

Cal Newport

Slow productivity

In a world where it seems like everything needs to be done faster and better. Cal puts forward the opposite – take your time and produce exceptional work. Instead of churning out a bunch of mediocre crap.

View book

Working at the intersection of well-thought-out design and cutting-edge front-end build.